Go deeper in your spirituality in nature practice with these suggested resources.

Video Courses
Teaching Aids
The ABCs of Ecology: An Educator's Guide to Learning Outside (Ferry Beach Ecology School)
And God Saw That it Was Good (Beth Norcross). A four week Christian study guide to Ken Burns’ film, “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea"
Awakening the Spirit: An interfaith guide accompanying the PBS film The National Parks: America's Best Idea (Beth Norcross)
By the Waters (Beth Norcross)
Celebrating earth holy days : a resource guide for faith communities (Susan J Clark)
The Circle of Life: The Heart’s Journey Through the Seasons (Joyce Rupp)
Earth Education: A New Beginning (Steve Van Matre and Jan Muir)
Forest Forensics : a field guide to reading the forested landscape (Tom Wessels)
Into the Field: A Guide to Locally Focused Teaching (Walker Leslie, Clare, John Tallmadge, and Tom Wessels)
Know Your Neighbors Mid-Atlantic Region Quiz (Beth Norcross) (View Answer Key)
The Lost Art of Reading Nature's Signs: Use Outdoor Clues to Find Your Way, Predict the Weather, Locate Water, Track Animals―and Other Forgotten Skills (Tristan Gooley)
Nature: Our First Way of Knowing God (Beth Norcross)
Outdoor Ministries: Handle with Care (New Earth Publishers)
Sharing Nature with Children I and II (Joseph Cornell)
SPLENDOR: Spiritual Life, Ethics and Nature, Deepening Our Reverence (GreenFaith). An interfaith adult education curriculum that introduces participants to the relationship between religion and the earth
Stewards of the Bay: Sacred Waters (Beth Norcross)
Work That Reconnects (Joanna Macy)
*Full bibliographic information can be found in our Suggested Reading List.