Discovering the Spiritual Wisdom of Trees
Broadleaf Books, April 22, 2025
When we connect intimately with trees, they offer deep wisdom and guidance for our times and remind us that all beings are part of the fabric of the holy.
Integrating science and spirituality, coauthors Beth Norcross and Leah Rampy invite us into a deep mutual relationship with trees, whose wisdom provide comfort, resilience, and hope during these challenging times. Trees call us to a fuller spiritual presence, richer connections to the world around us, and a deeper knowing that all are held within the sacred web of life.
Expanding on their six-week class, The Spiritual Wisdom of Trees developed for the Center for Spirituality in Nature, Norcross and Rampy offer us stories, guidance, and practices based on retreats, walks, and pilgrimages they have led for over two decades. Having witnessed the profound healing and restorative power of trees, the authors invite us to receive the wisdom of trees as wordless ministers to our weary souls.
On sale April 22, 2025. Pre-order now available.
This book speaks the language of trees. The deep wisdom of the Standing Ones is that everything belongs; nothing stands alone. Beth Norcross and Leah Rampy powerfully convey this truth as they draw on the fascinating details of forestry science, the insights of spiritual masters from various traditions, and their own intimate, lifelong experience with trees. This isn’t just another ‘how-to’ book on spirituality. It’s a passionate call to listen to the magnificent teachers that surround us.
—Belden C. Lane, PhD, author of The Solace of Fierce Landscapes, Backpacking with the Saints, and other books
A beautiful meditation on the wisdom found in the natural world and the transformative power of being in relationship with trees. Norcross and Rampy are exceptional teachers and knowledgeable guides, graciously leading the reader down tree-lined wooded paths where they share scientific knowledge, insightful personal experience, compelling metaphors, and spiritual insights . . .
—Carrie Newcomer, Emmy-winning performer, songwriter, and recording artist: A Great Wild Mercy and The Beautiful Not Yet
What a treasure! This book captures the extraordinary power of trees to engage humans in a reciprocal relationship that transcends words. May this valuable work, rich with scientific knowledge and spiritual insight, be widely read and enjoyed. This is a unique expression of what Thomas Berry meant by his phrase, ‘The universe is a communion of subjects.’
—Mary Evelyn Tucker, coauthor, Journey of the Universe; co-director, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
The Universe has been a spiritual reality as well as a physical reality since the beginning of time. To see every lifeform on Earth as an expression of the Divine is the wisdom we are being invited to recover, urgently, if humanity is to find healing. Discovering the Spiritual Wisdom of Trees witnesses with hope to the urgency of this moment.
—John Philip Newell, author of The Great Search: Turning to Earth and Soul in the Quest for Healing and Home

Meet the Authors

Beth Norcross, MF, MTS, DMin
Beth is educated in forestry, eco-theology and spirituality and is the founder of The Center for Spirituality in Nature. She is an active speaker, writer, and leader of numerous programs that offer spiritual guidance for developing deep, sustained, loving relationships with nature.

Leah Rampy, Ph.D.
Leah is a writer, speaker, and retreat leader who weaves ecology, spirituality, personal stories, and practices to help others deepen their relationship to the natural world. She is the author of the award-winning Earth & Soul: Reconnecting amid Climate Chaos and a frequent speaker on spiritual ecology and leadership in these uncertain times.
For more, visit LeahMoranRampy.com.