Course Offerings
These talks, classes, workshops and walks offer both spiritual grounding in nature, as well as specific practices that open us to the Divine Mystery and a lived loving relationship with the Earth.
They can be delivered as keynotes or workshops, in-person or online, in many forms, lengths and locations, and can be easily tailored to different settings, faith traditions and audiences. Join us for an upcoming event or contact us to bring one of these programs to your organization.
A beautifully-filmed, self-paced, six-part video series exploring the deep spiritual lessons we can learn from our ancient elders -- the trees. We’ll explore themes like gratitude and reciprocity, connection and communion, hope and healing.
This program is available for individuals in the spring and fall seasons. Contact us to inquire about bringing this program to your organization or group.
Available now in a self-guided format.
Celtic Spirituality in Nature

Explore how the Celts’ understanding of the Book of Nature can enrich our own individual and communal spirituality and as well as our connection with the Earth.
The Climate Crisis and Spirituality in Nature

Discover the ways in which the natural world can offer guidance, hope and resilience as we face the world’s most significant challenge.
Darkness and Light in Nature

Examine the essential nature of darkness and light for us and the Earth as well as for a deep relationship with Spirit.
Eco-justice and Eco-spirituality

Study how marginalized communities are disproportionately affected by environmental challenges, and how nature itself can offer healing and reconciliation.
Grief and Loss with Nature

Explore how the natural world can be the place where we bring our most challenging losses and grief, and receive healing, resilience and hope.
Pilgrimage Close to Home

Bring traditional pilgrimage practices to appreciate the rich ecology of our own backyards and to relate to these familiar places as sacred ground.
Rediscovering Congregational Sacred Grounds

Expand your congregation's concept of sacred space by bringing them outside to experience the rich spirituality embedded in your grounds, discover the human and natural history there, and build loving relationships with the community of plants and creatures who share this space with you.
Resilience and Hope in Nature

Explore how the natural world can offer spiritual guidance and inspiration on how we can live with courage and resilience in challenging times.
Slow Backpacking: Finding the Deep Knowing

Experience a guided, contemplative backpacking journey in the wilderness to discover a deeper connection with Divine and the earth through Forest Bathing practices.
Spiritual Nature Journaling

Discover how writing and drawing (even for those who are not artistically inclined) can be powerful ways of relating and connecting to nature and the Divine Mystery within.
Spirituality in Nature - An Essential Way of Knowing God

Rediscover the deep theological roots of connecting with nature as an essential way of experiencing and knowing God.
Spirituality in Nature - Foundation for Advocacy

Connect with the Divine in nature as important grounding for the challenging work of advocacy as well as a means for constituents to engage in the transformation necessary for a healthy Earth.
Spirituality in Nature Group Training

Using our popular publication, Start SINGing, as a guide, learn all the steps you need in forming your own regular nature-based spiritual group in your congregation, your organization or with some like-minded friends.
Spirituality of Water

Gather by the water – actually or virtually – to explore the rich tradition of experiencing the Divine in the waters, and learn specific water-based spiritual practices.
The Wisdom of Nature Through the Seasons

Discover the ecological processes specific to each season that offer particular guidance and inspiration for the living of a spiritually full and rich life, closely connected with the Earth.