Leah Rampy, Senior Spiritual Program Leader & Board Member
Leah Rampy is passionate about leading retreats and seminars that invite participants to reconnect – soul to Earth and Spirit. She is deeply appreciative of the opportunity to collaborate with the Center in its vital work. Leah is also a member of the program staff of the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation, where she previously served as executive director, and she offers retreats on behalf of Friends of Silence. She is the founder and guide for Church of the Wild ~ Two Rivers in WV.
Leah is a multi-published author including her recent work, Earth and Soul: Reconnecting Amid Climate Chaos, and the upcoming Discovering the Spiritual Wisdom of Trees which is co-authored with Beth Norcross. This latest book was inspired by the six-part online program, The Spiritual Wisdom of Trees: Insights from Our Elders that Leah and Beth wrote together and co-facilitate each fall.
Leah’s prior careers have included teaching in public schools and universities, serving in leadership roles in Fortune 100 companies, providing executive coaching and leadership development services through a company she founded, and non-profit management. She holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum from Indiana University.
Having lived in many states as well as Australia, Leah now lives with her husband David in a cohousing community in Shepherdstown, WV. She is a co-founder of Save Our Soil, a local organization with the mission to promote regenerative agriculture, local food, and native plants.