Philosophy of SING
'Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.'
~ John Muir mystic, founder of the Sierra Club
We go to nature to be inspired and restored. It is a place of meeting with that eternal creative force which brought all that is (cosmos, crayfish and human) into being. The natural world is a sacred place. A place of meeting. As we grow to understand this, we grow in our desire and capacity to respect and protect the natural world. This becomes our sacred work, a sacred trust.
Nature has a way of teaching and restoring. Teaching us that the natural world is infinitely complex and that every part of it has a place and purpose. We humans are a part of the whole, no greater than any other part. Nature reminds us that we are interdependent and when one part suffers all suffer.
As we enter into relationship with the natural world, we are invited to cross a threshold into communion with that which is divine, eternal, sacred which brought all that is into being.
Walt Whitman, the great American poet, and mystic, put it this way: ‘I swear to you there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell.’